The Huntron Access RF system provides reliable and repeatable near-field measurements of RF signals. It integrates a Huntron Access 2 Prober, a spectrum analyzer, and Langer RF near-field probes under the control of Huntron Workstation, offering an automated way to place a "sniffer probe" precisely where it's needed.
In typical RF circuit applications, measurements depend on manual dexterity and interpretation. The Huntron Access RF ensures repeatable measurements by eliminating errors in probe placement and eliminating the need for documentation identifying physical probe points. This system delivers at least a 10:1 improvement in probing time over manual methods.
The Access RF operates with the CCA under test powered and functional, while the user supplies the PC, power supplies, and control hardware. The system offers ample space for cabling and connections, with a removable base plate cover for easy access to the probing area. Note: The Access RF is a diagnostic tool, not intended for EMC/EMI pre-compliance testing.
▪ Cost-effective, desktop robotic platform
▪ Suitable for design, manufacturing, and service depot applications
▪ Increases operator productivity
▪ Repeatable, accurate X, Y, and Z movement
▪ Easy access to probing area
▪ Configured with a Keysight 9935A or Rohde & Schwarz FSH4 spectrum analyzer